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カテゴリー: - Gan @ 23時43分44秒


EverQuest - Live Update - 04/20/05

*** Events ***
- The Girplan Guardian encounter in the wizard epic had its difficulty lowered to bring it more in line with other epic 1.5 fights.
- Rumors have been spread that the Ring of Scale have started to investigate the new vampires of Mistmoore(RoS faction quest is in).
- Eryke Stremstin for the monk epic in the bazaar should no longer fall under the world.

- Wizard epicでのGirplan Guardian対戦は他のepic 1.5の戦闘と肩を並べるように難易度を下げた。
- Ring of Scaleが新たなMistmoooreの吸血鬼を探し始めた(ROS faction questが含まれる)らしい。
- bazaarにいるmonk epic用のEryke Stremstinがもはや地下に落ちることはない。

*** Items ***
- Changed the name of the Basilisk Tooth to be Great Reptile Tooth.
- Changed the name of Racnar Hide to Great Reptile Hide.
- Great Reptile Teeth can now drop off crocs in Plane of Earth and Plane of Nightmare.
- Great Reptile Hides can now drop off raptors in Cazic Thule.
- Pile of Gravel can now drop off Gargoyles in Plane of Nightmare and the Hole.
- Tribute values on certain Kunark chest and legpieces has been decreased .
- Horn of Doomcalling now has +2 mana regen.
- Supple Crimson Choker now has a +2 mana regen.
- Clawhammer is now a 70 damage, 32 delay weapon.
- Many items with over 160hp in DoN raids and small events were incorrectly marked with type 4/7 augmentation slots. These now have type 8 augmentation slots.
- Shed Ikaav Skin drop rate/locations adjusted to include Ikaavs in the Ruined City of Dranik.
- Mindreaver’s Shoes of Coercion now has the focus of Alacrity of the Aneuk.
- Earring of Dragonkin is now called “Earring of Wurmkin”.
- Mask of Forbidden Rites is now flagged all/all.

- Basilisk ToothをGreat Rptile Toothに名称変更
- Racnar HideをGreat Reptile Hideに名称変更
- Great Rptile Teethは今度からPlane of EarthとPlane of Nightmareのcrocsが落とす
- Great Reptile Hideは今度からCazic Thuleのraptorが落とす
- Pile of GravelはPlane of NightMareとHoleのGargoyleが落とす
- ある種のKunark chestとLegpieceのTribute値を下げた
- Horn of Doomcallingは今度から+2 manaリジェネ付きとなる
- Supple Crimson Chokerは今度から+2 manaリジェネ付きとなる
- Clawhammerは今後から70 mana、32 delay武器となる
- DoN raindおよび小型イベントでの160hp以上を持つ多くのアイテムは誤ってtype 4/7 augmentation slotを持っていた。今度からtype 8 augmentation slotsを持つようになる。
- Shed Ikaav Skinのdrop rate/場所はRunined City of Dranik内のIkaavを含むように調整された。
- Mindreaver’s Shoes of Coerctionは今度からAlacrity of Aneukのfocus付きとなる
- Earring of Dragonkinは今度から"Earring of Wurmkin"と呼ばれる
- Mask of Forbidden Ritesは今度からall/allとなる。

*** Item Spells ***
- Deafening Strike now increases the duration of Fellstrike Discipline.
- Ture痴 Anger now increases the duration of Blind Rage Discipline.

- Deafening Strinkeは今度からFellstrike Disciplineの効果時間を延長する
- True Angerは今度からBlind Rage Disciplineの効果時間を延長する

*** Spells ***
- Lowered the duration of many fear spells cast by NPCs.
- Reduced the number of NPCs who cast fear throughout the game.
- Changed all PC pets over level 52 so they are once again immune to fear.
- Several spells were not set to the correct proc values in the previous update to compensate for the change in pet base proc rates. The following spells have had their proc rates adjusted to be the same as they were before the previous patch.
Might of the Wild Spirits
Savage Wildcaller’s Blessing
Hobble of Spirits
Primal Fusion
Elemental Conjunction
- Corrected the hate generated by the enchanter spell Howl of Tashan and the monk ability Dragon Fang.

- NPCがキャストする多くのfearスペルの有効時間を下げた
- ゲーム内でfearをキャストするNPCの数を減らした
- level 52を越えるPCのペットを再びfear immuneに変更した
- いくつかのスペルはペット基準の発動率での変更と釣り合わせた前回のアップデートで正しい発動率値に設定されていなかった。以下のスペルは前回のパッチ以前と同じ値に発動率が調整されている。
Might of the Wild Spirits
Savagae Wildcaller’s Blessing
Hobble of Spirits
Primal Fusion
Elemental Conjunction
- enchanter spel Howl of Tashanとmonk ability Dragon Fangによって生成されるhateは訂正された。

*** Miscellaneous ***
- Added level up text for all levels between 11 and 70.
- A bug affecting skilling up in combat skills at all levels and tradeskills at low levels has been fixed. Skilling up at these levels should be back to normal.

- 11から70までのすべてに対してlevel upテキストを追加した
- すべてのlevelの戦闘skillとtradeskillで低いレベルでのskill upに影響を与えていたバグを修正した。これらのレベルでのskill upは通常通りに戻される。

– The EverQuest Team



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